Come Worship with us at 'The Center'!
Come Worship with us at 'The Center'! 

COVID Guidelines Update:

Masks are optional.


High blood pressure is a leading cause and risk factor for stroke and heart disease, but it is controllable.

Often times hypertension goes untreated because it does not cause symptoms. If you experience

headaches, blurred vision, or ringing in the ears, your blood pressure could be elevated.

Know your numbers and work with a healthcare professional to control levels and manage risks.


 This day honors current and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces, including those

who have died in the pursuit of freedom. Also in May, we celebrate Armed Forces Day,

Military Spouse Appreciation Day, and of course, Memorial Day.

Let’s be sure to especially remember our military in our prayers for the entire month of May.



            Click the icon above for the link to our noonday prayer                                                 and Wednesday night bible study                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Video Meeting ID: 434 088 0862  Passcode: RLOC                                                                                                                                                                                                              dial in Phone numbers: 301 715 8592  |  312 626 6799 | 646 558 8656                     Id: 434 088 0862 passcode: 666613       

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